About Me

Saint IGNUcius

Hello, I’m Daniel Maksymow. I’m an experienced C/C++ Developer from Poland. I like to chat with the people, discuss my ideas, and talk a lot about my work. I think getting the opinion about yourself could be sometimes good or bad but it is part of the process which allows me to improve myself. On the other side, it is a great pleasure for me to share solutions for the problems which I encounter and describe there especially if they are described already but for any reason, there were not as good explained as I wonder.

This blog is already remade of my old one but this time I want to focus more on Linux and C. I hope also it will help me to improve my communication skills and will show me the way of how to explain the hard things more readily for other people.

Besides, I am a big fan of GNU Linux and I hope I would be able to promote it a little bit by writing this blog.

email: daniel.maksymow@tuta.io